Saturday, February 6, 2010

Podcast from Sea Change Radio

This episode is about sustainable schools and green options in education. Perfect for my environmental sustainability class.

1 comment:

  1. well, Sumner,
    you have been a pretty active blogger. Good for you. I like your link to the podcast and your thoughts on blogging.
    John Seely Brown is one of the scientists who created the web and modern computing. He was the director of Xerox's PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) and has long spoken of the "social nature of information." What he would say to your comment (I think) is that all information is equal, it is the social context that makes it useful or important to us. He talks about this a lot in his book, The Social Life of Information.
    One of the things the web and internet are doing is displacing authorities of all kinds. This is often particularly disruptive to schools. After all, most schools are built around the model of teacher as information source and authority figure.
    But the kids are not good at discriminating good sources from bad. So where are they going to learn that? From their teachers?
    Twenty years ago, I worked with IBM on educational projects and they were always talking about changing teachers from "the sage on the stage, to the guide by the side." Maybe that is beginning to happen.

    BTW -- there is a fascinating study of the difference between MySpace and Facebook. You can find it here. (My wife calls them MyFace.)
