Tuesday, March 9, 2010

DeviantArt. You can look but don't chat...

DeviantArt has rules.

While searching for a social networking site I thought it would be interesting to find a space specifically for artists. (See the social networking site for artists I chose in an earlier post.) During my research a google search turned up a number of options including DeviantArt. The site looked great. It abounds with interesting art and there’s clearly socializing.

As of last fall this Los Angeles based site had over 11 million members and receives over 100 million submissions per day. I was surprised to see a related article in a subsequent search. DevientArt wants the world to know that they are not a social networking site. They’re annoyed that people are using it for that and would like all non artists to go away. More importantly, they would like the non artists to take their blurry photos and provocative poses elsewhere.

As an artist I could join. But the assignment is to check out social networking sites. So if you’re headed to DevientArt I can save you a trip. Enjoy the art but don’t annoy anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sumner --
    well, you seem to have caught up to us and your review of the art networking site is very good. I'll have to share that with my sister who is an artist in Norfolk, VA (Not the best art market in the world.)
    I think you have discovered one of the secrets of these "social" sites -- they work best when they serve communities that already exist and already have some commonalities. That's why FB is such a mess -- it tries to be all things to all people and ends up being nothing.
    So, how would your network assist someone in learning?
